Masked Emotions

Year: 2019

Medium: Bristol paper, Pencil, Color pastel, Acrylic paint, Oil painting

Size: 18" x 24"

Additional details

This drawing represents some of the multiple emotions I experience, feelings I resist, and emotional triggers I respond to. Emotional triggers in this piece were my black belt and money. I purposely left the main face untouched, a blank representing someone who is lost, confused, and broken. I am holding two masks that represent sadness(my right hand) and happiness (my left hand) to show the importance and the prevalence of these emotions. I tend to put on a mask to show I am happy, but inside I truly feel sad, an emotion I hide from the world. I wanted to experiment using different materials, textures, colors, and shading. I accentuated the facial features by changing the eye shape and mouth orientation to convey strong expressions.